Reason #10: Black & White Photography is SPECTACULAR

Cumulonimbus Calvus Cloud Over Chisos Mountains
Big Bend National Park

The desert provides the perfect backdrop for Black & White Photography with the contrasts, the clouds, the textures, and the grandiose scenes. In today’s digital world, it is all too easy to ignore the emotive power of Black & White imagery. But when you combine the rugged landscape, the big skies, the unpredictable weather, and over 800,000 acres of possible scenes, it is hard to not capture some outstanding Black & White images. If you have never even really thought about Black & White imagery, or would have no idea how to edit an image in Black & White, then why not book a Black & White Photography Workshop today?

Dust Devil
Big Bend National Park

Reason #9: Mammals Are Everywhere

Black Bear Cubs
Chisos Basin
Big Bend National Park

With warmer months, the mammals become much more active around dusk and dawn providing the photographer with some surprising opportunities if they stay prepared. This is where preparedness, opportunity, time and luck come together to produce some wonderful images of the mammals of Big Bend National Park. Is it time to register for a wildlife photography workshop or tour?

Big Bend National Park

Reason #8: Macro Photography is ALIVE with Insects & Reptiles

The diversity of insects, arachnids, reptiles and amphibians is simply amazing! The Big Bend region is one of the most biological diverse regions in the United States. Summer time is hopping with butterflies, dragonflies, beetles, moths, snakes, scorpions, spiders, bees, and so much more. I offer studio macrophotography workshops in the Davis Mountains and outdoor macro photography workshops in Big Bend National Park. The options are endless and we can even get you some venomous snakes to photograph safely which is a rare treat. Sign up now for one of our macro photography workshops!

Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake

Reason #7: The Light Can Really Surprise You in the Summer

When it comes to photography, it is all about the light! Summer time provides so many different types of light that it gives the well prepared photographer a chance to capture the desert in ways that light tells the story. Here are a few examples of light leading the eye!

Reason #6: Sunrises & Sunsets are Resplendent!

Sunset at Santa Elena Canyon
Big Bend National Park

Summer sunrise and sunsets just scream COLOR in the Big Bend region. Whether we are in the desert lowlands, the upper mountains such as the Chisos’ or Davis’, or we are along the Rio Grande River, I promise you will be hard pressed to find a boring sunrise or sunset in west Texas. The only problem you will have is trying to figure out which image to take! I offer Summer Storms & Sunset Photography Workshops and the glorious thing is that every day has something to offer the patient and determined photographer!

Reason #5: Summer Storms are the BEST!

Double Rainbow & Chisos Mountains
Big Bend National Park

The beauty of summer in Big Bend is that you never know when an amazing thunderstorm, rainbow, rain shower, or ominous clouds may pop up! You have to be ready to get to the right place at the right time and that is how we can help you not only get to the right location, but teach you the skills and settings to capture the scenery or action. Who doesn’t love a great lightning strike image or rainbow? We work hard to help you get the great shot when the opportunity arises. Check out our Summer Storms & Sunsets Photography Workshop.

Reason #4: No Traffic Jams!

Chisos Mountains
Big Bend National Park

Did I mention wide open spaces with few people? Have you ever gone to a National Park hoping to experience the great outdoors only to be confronted by traffic jams, crowds, and tons of photographs trying to all get the same image? Guess what, you don’t have to deal with that at Big Bend National Park! It is also one of the very few national parks where you do not have to stay on a trail, you may travel freely throughout the park! If you would like a photography workshop that gets you to some awesome landscapes with very few or no other people around, then join me for a Landscape Photography Workshop this summer in Big Bend or Davis Mountains!

Davis Mountains

Reason #3: Birds, Birds, and More Birds!

Northern Flicker

Did you know more bird species have been seen in Big Bend National Park than any other national park in the United States? And the birds can be good at just about any season, but summer mornings can be very birdy in many areas of the park. From the highly sought after Colima Warbler to Painted Redstarts, Blue-throated Hummingbirds, Peregrine Falcons, Lucifer Hummingbird, Varied Bunting, Black-chinned Sparrow, and so much more! We also have bird blinds in the Davis Mountains where you can get up close and personal to many of these same birds. Why not book your bird photography workshop or tour today?

Reason #2: The Night Sky is at it’s Best

Milky Way with Venus & Saturn

The night sky is best in summer as the galactic center of the Milky Way is most visible. With off-road capabilities, I am also able to take you to locations that you probably aren’t even aware of, must less able to get there on your own! This means not only can we photograph in the iconic locations, but we can get to lesser known areas as well. A night sky photography workshop will fill you with tremendous satisfaction as you will get to see the night sky like you probably rarely, if ever, get to see; but, you will also capture some amazing images to share with family and friends.

Milky Way & Chisos Mountains
Big Bend National Park
Milky Way Over Big Bend National Park

Reason #1: It is MUCH cooler in Climate as you go up in Elevation!

One of the questions I hear the most is “Isn’t it too hot in Big Bend in the summer?” First, where in Texas do you go in summer where it is cool? Second, have you ever said, “It is too hot in Denver to go there in the summer?” Much of Big Bend National Park and the Davis Mountains is at or above the same elevation as Denver. To cool off, you go up in elevation. I will let you in on a little secret, summer is my favorite time in Big Bend! Nights are always cool (except for the low areas around the river) and I have been hiking any 67 degrees in July and come out in the morning at August to 54 degrees! That isn’t every day, but you NEVER have that happen in most of Texas!

So, quit worrying about the heat because we don’t have humidity out here either! Sign up today for one of the greatest experiences you will ever have!